martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Peering Beyond the Big Bang to the Universe That Existed in the Aeon Before Ours (A Galaxy Classic) & 5 new Items


The circular patterns within the cosmic microwave background suggest that space and time did not come into being at the Big Bang, but that our universe in fact continually cycles through a series of "aeons," according to University of Oxford theoretical physicist Roger Penrose, who says that data collected by NASA's WMAP satellite supports his idea of "conformal cyclic cosmology".

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The circular patterns within the cosmic microwave background suggest that space and time did not come into being at the Big Bang, but that our universe in fact continually cycles through a series of "aeons," according to University of Oxford...

A house-sized asteroid zipped apst Earth yesteday closer than the moon. Stephen Hawking believes that one of the major factors in the possible scarcity of intelligent life in our galaxy is the high probability of an asteroid or comet colliding...

It's not the name of a Japanese scifi movie...Scientists have spotted stellar fossils in the center of the Milky Way, globular clusters orbiting in the central bulge which seem to have come from somewhere else. Like all fossils these are...

Russian scientists expect humanity to encounter alien civilizations within the next two decades. "The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms ... Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years," said...

A painstaking examination of the first direct and detailed climate record from the continental shelves surrounding Antarctica reveals that the last remnant of Antarctic vegetation existed in a tundra landscape on the continent's northern peninsula about 12 million years ago....

When a 43-foot gray whale was sighted off the Israeli town of Herzliya last year, scientists came to a concluded that It must have crossed the normally icebound route above Canada, where warm weather briefly opened a clear channel three...

Provided by The Daily Galaxy