It's not (just) about the starship
A 100-year project to develop the technology needed for a crewed interstellar spacecraft is a sure way to attract attention, especially when it's backed with even a small amount of funding from DARPA and NASA. Jeff Foust reports on how this long-term effort may really be just a nontraditional way to promote short-term research and development.
Prophets of science fiction
As the Space Shuttle program winds down, we're reminded that the shuttles failed to meet the cost and flight rate predictions made during the program's development in the 1970s. Dwayne Day notes that even during the '70s some were skeptical of those claims.
When the skies fall: hostile aliens invade the small screen
The concept of alien invasions of Earth has reappeared on television recently in the form of a National Geographic special and a TNT drama. Andre Bormanis examines those shows and why the alien invasion theme may be in vogue today.
Review: Falling Back to Earth
While the future of NASA's human spaceflight programs may be uncertain today, it's not the first time the agency's exploration plans have been subject to heated debate in Washington. Jeff Foust reviews a book by an insider who provides his account of the battles surrounding the Space Exploration Initiative, and his pessimistic view of the future.
If you missed it, here's what we published in our previous issue:
Hubble in the crosshairs
Is Russia developing an airborne laser anti-satellite weapon? Dwayne Day examines the history of a curious Russian aircraft that may be fitted with a laser, and its implications for a potential ASAT arms race.
Skylon: ready for takeoff?
The British Skylon RLV concept has received some recent attention after an ESA study found no showstoppers with its design. Jeff Foust explores the work on Skylon performed to date and identifies some challenges, both engineering and business, that it has yet to overcome.
The irreplaceable Space Shuttle
After next month's launch of Atlantis, the Space Shuttle program will come to an end. Taylor Dinerman looks back on what the shuttle did and did not achieve.
Roswell that ends well, part 2
Dwayne Day follows up on a critique of a new book about Area 51 with an analysis of the research that went into that book, and the flaws associated with it.
Until next week,