miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Clues to Neanderthal hunting tactics hidden in reindeer teeth & 18 new articles...

Clues to Neanderthal hunting tactics hidden in reindeer teeth & 18 new articles...

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A team from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, is using genomics to shed light on the early evolutionary history of sex chromosomes. The research is published in the April 2011 Eukaryotic...

Greenhouse gases will expand 'ocean dead zones' and could cause a mass extinction of marine life, new research predicts.  An Australian research team says observations of a mass extinction...

The Iberian lynx that prowls the grasslands of southern Spain. The Mediterranean monk seal swimming waters off Greece and Turkey. The Bavarian pine vole that forages in the high meadows of the...

Modelling of planet Gliese 581d shows it has the potential to be warm and wet enough to nurture Earth-like life.  A model of the possible surface temperatures of planet Gliese 581d that...

'Empires in Istanbul: From Hittite to Ottoman' is a new exhibition at the Istanbul Archaeology Museum displaying 210 artworks from 16 museums in Turkey. Among the highlights of the exhibition are the...

Scientists have found that our cousins the Neanderthal employed sophisticated hunting strategies similar to the tactics used much later by modern humans. The new findings come from the analysis of...

Standing on the ruins of Tel Arad, I gazed across the vast basin of the eastern Negev. It’s no surprise that Arad was continually occupied and resettled through the centuries. As travellers brought...

In a letter addressed to Prime Minister of Romania Emil Boc, Europa Nostra urged the Romanian Government to ensure the highest level of protection of the unique cultural and natural heritage of the...

Archaeologist Ghulam Akbar Malik found a valuable manuscript of the Holy Quran dating back to the 12th century while on an excavation trip in Jhelum.  The salt range and its adjacent...

Physical anthropologist Chris Kirk has announced the discovery of a previously unknown species of fossil primate, Mescalerolemur horneri, in the Devil's Graveyard badlands of West...

What is considered to be a unique discovery has been made in Taman, South Russia, at the Black Sea. The ruins of an ancient Greek city, dated around the 6th century BC, came to light. ...

An ancient Phoenician port has recently been discovered in Mina El Hosn area of Beirut, in a plot (#1893) located behind the Hotel Monroe. The area of approximately 7500 square meters is owned by...

Many tourists see Athens as a launching pad for visiting the beaches and cute whitewashed buildings of the Greek islands. And the Aegean archipelago can be a great escape, especially during the...

The secrets behind a dinosaur mass extinction 200 million years ago may lie on a beach near Barry Island - home of television's Gavin and Stacey, scientists believe.  An international team...

Chinese scientists said Saturday that they have found a new species of giant theropod dinosaur in the eastern province of Shandong.  Artist’s impression of Zhuchengtyrannus magnus (ZT)....

Archaeological digs on the Georgian-Azerbaijani border in the place where fragments of a column were revealed will start in autumn. Georgian archaeologists have already held primary works in...

The Pale Blue Dot, below, was a picture taken by the Voyager 1 Spacecraft in 1990, showing the Earth from 6.1 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles) away suspended in a sunbeam.  In his...

If alien geologists were to visit our planet 10 million years from now, would they discern a distinct human fingerprint in Earth's accumulating layers of rock and sediment?  Will homo...

The human brain has yet to explain the origin of one its defining features – the deep fissures and convolutions that increase its surface area and allow for rational and abstract...

Provided by The Archaeology News Network