The Gemini Discovery: Why are Galaxies in the Early Universe Old? & 6 new articles...
An ancient subatomic signature extends across the universe. It seems that some subatomic particles, invisible and untouchable effects of the very creation of reality, might exist simultaneously across all of space. "Relic" neutrinos, like the relic photons that make up...
These highly developed galaxies, whose star-forming youth is in fact long gone, just shouldn't be there, but are." Dr. Karl Glazebrook (Johns Hopkins University). Some of the faintest spectra in the universe raise a glaring question: Why do Galaxies in...
A stunning example of the power and effervescence of supermassive black holes is shown in this Chandra space telescope image above of the elliptical galaxy M87 in the Virgo Cluster. The features in this image imply that outbursts and deep...
Now, after some three billion years," says Freeman Dyson of the Institute for Advanced Study, "the Darwinian era is over. The epoch of species competition came to an end about 10 thousand years ago when a single species, Homo sapiens,...
Japan's HTV-2 robotic cargo ship above is seen just before astronauts grapple it on Jan. 27, 2011. The spacecraft, one of several robotic cargo ships that ferry supplies to the International Space Station, is carrying a device to "phone home"...
Most deep-sea volcanoes produce effusive lava flows rather than explosive eruptions, both because the levels of magmatic gas tend to be low, and because the volcanoes are under a lot of pressure from the surrounding water. But by using an...
The pressures of human evolution could explain the apparent rise of disorders such as autoimmune diseases and autism, researchers say. Some adaptations may even help such ailments persist. Previous work in evolutionary medicine helped explain why disease is so prevalent...
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