miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Could Jupiter Hold the Key to Solving the Mystery of Dark Energy? & 3 new articles...

Could Jupiter Hold the Key to Solving the Mystery of Dark Energy? & 3 new articles...

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Utane Sawangwit and Tom Shanks of Durham University believe that errors on the “gold standard” cosmic microwave background results from the WMAP satellite that includes dark matter, dark energy and the exponential expansion after the Big Bang known as inflation...

"Aliens could have been pointing their antennas at Earth for 4.6 billion years, without picking up a signal. Maybe the inhabitants [of a Twin Earth] are at the level of the classical Romans ... or maybe trilobites. We need to...

Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:57 AM PDT
At the center of this barred spiral galaxy lurks quasar QSO 1229+204 -- an object brighter than anything in the known universe. The distant quasar appears so bright that astronomers had to use the high resolving power of the Hubble...

"As a species we have lived in wild nature for hundreds of thousands of years, and now suddenly most of us live in cities—the ultimate escape from nature. If we do not learn to build, expand and design our cities...

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