miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Will Mars' Biosphere Enter a Cycle of Reawakening? & 4 new Items:

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Like many physicists, Michio Kaku thinks our universe will end in a "big freeze." However, unlike many physicists, he thinks we might be able to avoid this fate by slipping into a parallel universe. "i One of the most fascinating...

The red planet is far more than just a catalyst for scientific change or an interplanetary base camp. Mars, says Robert Zubrin, founder of The Mars Society, is essentially a Rosetta stone for determining the prevalence and diversity of life...

It's NASA's Ames Reserach Center vs the Goddard Space Fight Center. It's methane on Mars as a potential sign of biology vs methane on Mars as an Earth' based illusion. The evidence for methane on Mars may actually be due...

Could the Milky Way be full of phantom, planet devouring black holes and billions of rogue, solitary planets? It looks that way. A recent simulation of black holes merger revealed that there could be literally hundreds of rogue black holes...

Two digital color cameras on the mast of NASA's next Mars rover will complement each other in showing the surface of Mars in exquisite detail. They are the left and right eyes of the Mast Camera, or Mastcam, instrument on...

Provided by The Daily Galaxy 
