jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Saturn's Enceladus Moves to Top of "Most-Likely-to-Have-Life" List & 5 new Items:

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"If life did originate on Mars and if it had sufficient time to go underground deep enough to survive worsening conditions, “then evolution of Martian life might have continued underground. . . . Life on Mars could be more complex than we...

Physicists of the world are getting excited about the news of a possible particle sighting in the debris of proton-antiproton collisions at the Illinois accelerator that showed an unexpected rise in the number of events clustered around 145 GeV –...

Is our universe merely a part of an enormous universe containing diverse regions each with the right amount of the "dark energy" and each larger than the observed universe. Raphael Bousso, Professor of Theoretical Physics, U of California/Berkeley and Leonard...

Saturn's icy moon Enceladus is emerging as the most habitable spot beyond Earth in the Solar System for life as we know it, scientists said last week at a meeting of the Enceladus Focus Group at the SETI Institute in...

"If we had the technology to escape the Milky Way and could look down on it from intergalactic space, this view is close to the one we would see — striking spiral arms wrapping around a dense, elongated nucleus and...

Abrupt average temperature changes of as much as 4 or 5 degrees Celsius over a few decades may have profoundly affected human civilization for cultures that occupied western Greenland over the past 5,000 year according to a study that used...

Provided by The Daily Galaxy
