Insanely Awesome Raw Cassini Images of Titan
and Enceladus

Raw Cassini image of Titan and Enceladus backdropped by Saturn's rings. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
An incredible set of images are beaming back from the Cassini spacecraft as it orbits Saturn, snapping away at the sights. The moons Titan and Enceladus snuggling up together in front of Saturn’s rings creates an amazing view, especially when they are all lined up together. These were taken on May 21, 2011. I’ve posted some of what I think are the most amazing, below, or you can see the whole set at the Cassini raw images page. When the Cassini imaging team gets a chance to process (and colorize) these, they’ll likely go down as some of the most representative images from the entire mission.