jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Conservation International - Help heal the lungs of our Earth

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There is a Cree proverb that says, “Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.”

Let’s all heed the foretelling of the Cree and become part of the solution. Our lives are interconnected with the planet. In fact, forests are like the lungs of the Earth — inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen that we all need to survive. Destroying forests releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year than all of the planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships in the world — combined — and is a leading cause of climate change.
Forests need our protection. Every acre of forest lost in a faraway place will affect you, and me, and everyone else. What is lost "there" is truly felt "here." Please join me in helping to stop deforestation by Protecting an Acre of forest land with Conservation International.
Your support will go toward helping Conservation International protect the places where we can make the greatest impact, putting good conservation practices in place for the long term.
Deepak Chopra
This is a fundraising campaign of the Deepak Chopra Foundation. Proceeds of this campaign on Crowdrise will benefit Conservation International.
Click here to learn more about Protect an Acre.
cloud forest image © CI/photo by Miguel Angel de la Cueva
woman with child image © Cristina Mittermeier/iLCP
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